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Mastering Excel

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Fawad Irfan

Head of I.T.

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Mastering Excel
Excel is a tool that give you insights about your business and finances. Learn how to best enter and organize data, perform calculations with simple functions, work with multiple worksheets, format the appearance of your data and cells, and build charts. Other lessons cover the powerful IF, VLOOKUP, and COUNTIF family of functions.

Lay out your data

Organize your numeric or text data in spreadsheets or workbooks. Viewing it in context helps you make more informed decisions.

Reformat and rearrange it

As you look at different configurations, Excel learns and recognizes your pattern and auto-completes the remaining data for you. No formulas or macros required. The Tell Me search feature guides you to the feature commands you need to get the results you are looking for.

Do your analysis

Excel will perform complex analyses for you. And it summarizes your data with charts and tables so you can compare them and select the one that describes your data best.

Mastering Excel 6 lectures, AED 750